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Shelley Cormier

Breaking Free from Depression: 5 Simple Steps to Lift the Funk and Reclaim Your Life

Women sitting sad

We’ve all been there – that space where life feels stagnant, joy seems unreachable, and everything feels heavier than usual. I know this place well. I’ve experienced bouts of depression myself, triggered by challenging life events, that were hard to shake off. It’s a difficult feeling to describe, but if you’re reading this, you probably already know what I mean. The good news is, you’re not stuck. You can kick-start your life and pull yourself out of that funk, one small step at a time.

Recognize the Funk for What It Is

First and foremost, let’s acknowledge the funk. It’s okay to feel down. Life throws us curveballs – I’ve had my share, from basic life challenges to moments when everything just feels overwhelming. Sometimes, depression feels like a cycle that’s hard to break, but recognizing it for what it is can be the first step toward finding a way out. You don’t have to have it all figured out, and that’s perfectly okay.

5 Small Steps to Get Out of the Funk

Here are five small steps that have helped me move forward when things felt heavy. They’re simple yet powerful tools that can help you create momentum and reconnect with yourself.

  1. Start with Journaling

    Lady writing in a journal

    Writing things down is one of the most effective ways I’ve found to clear my head. When life feels overwhelming, journaling allows me to put my thoughts and emotions on paper, making them easier to understand and manage. You don’t need to write a novel—just a few lines about how you're feeling can help release some of the mental clutter.

  2. Incorporate Meditation

    Women Candle Gazing

    Meditation has been a game-changer for me. It’s not about silencing your mind but giving yourself a moment of peace amidst the chaos. Even 5 minutes of focused breathing or mindfulness can make a huge difference in your day. I often feel more grounded and clear-headed after a quick session, especially when my mind feels clouded by stress or anxiety.

    Tip: Start small. Even if it’s just 2-5 minutes of deep breathing, it can reset your mental state.

  3. Move Your Body

    Women walking in the woods

    I know how hard it can be to motivate yourself to move when you're in a funk. But even a short walk or a few minutes of gentle yoga can lift your mood. Moving your body releases endorphins and gets your blood flowing. I’ve found that when I take the time to stretch or do a little yoga, it helps me feel more connected and in control of my day. Movement doesn’t have to be intense; even 5-10 minutes can make a world of difference.

  4. Set One Small Goal Each Day

    When you're feeling low, accomplishing anything can seem daunting. This is why I’ve found setting just one small, manageable goal each day to be incredibly helpful. It could be something as simple as making the bed or drinking an extra glass of water. These little wins can build up and create a sense of accomplishment, which is a powerful motivator to keep going.

  5. Reach Out for Support

    A group of friends hiking

    I’ve learned that depression thrives in isolation, but we’re not meant to go through it alone. Reaching out to a friend, loved one, or even a professional can make all the difference. Sometimes, just talking things out can lift the weight off your shoulders. Mental health is important, and we need to take care of ourselves emotionally just as much as physically.

Remember, Every Day is a Fresh Start

Life can be challenging, and the weight of it all can sometimes feel like too much. But the beauty of it all is that we can always start over again. Every day is a fresh opportunity to try, to care for ourselves, and to move forward. Prioritizing your mental health and self-care isn’t selfish—it’s necessary. You deserve to feel good, and you deserve to live a life that brings you joy.

You don’t need to make huge changes all at once. Start small, be kind to yourself, and remember that each step you take is a victory. You’ve got this.

Next Steps to Help You Get Out of Your Funk

As you begin your journey out of the funk, here are two resources to support you:

  • Download Your Free 5-Minute Journaling Page: Click below to get your easy-to-use journaling guide designed to help you reflect and release.

  • Want to dive deeper into mindfulness? Purchase my Mindfulness Ebook to gain tools for daily peace and clarity.


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